Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Miserable life i had, mugging about stuffs. Concentration isn't my best ability, thus i lack of it. I have no idea why should i walk that path, the world gave me. I've no lead in life and i can't decide my life at this point. Even so, i wished to live the life that i wanted. Pursue my Dreams, using my unique way of Attitude to do so. Enjoying every moment of my life, with Music & Basketball. But i just can't do it my way. I do believe miracle and turning points in life. As for now, i'm gonna try my best to fulfill what life needs from me. But when time comes, i'll pursue my Dreams and not following that path of Life! Not being Obedient to Life, is my job.

Hehe, after writing what's on my mind. I'm relieved, and i'll do my best to finish the task that was given to me. After being freed from the lock-up. Tons of thoughts came to my mind. Even when i was inside, i can't helped to think of what i had now. Precious freedom i meant. That's what money can't get. Please treasure the freedom you have now, and don't commit a crime. The life inside, i bet you'll really regret. I've tasted it personally, so this is my advice. Choose to listen, or not. It's all up to you. Smiles,

Haha, my life is back to normal and usual now. Everything starts to fast forward, because i'm looking towards the future of my life. Okay, here's what happened today. When for a game of basketball, weather doesn't seem good after playing for awhile. Indeed, it started to rain. And i injured my thumb again. Ran to shelter, avoided the rain. 5 mins later, it stopped. We're unable to play due to, wet floor. Thus everyone went home early today.

Injured thumb, haven't apply medicine yet. Smiles,


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Shakespeare Quotes,

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;

Tsk, i'm depressed now. Might not blog for a few days. Let me fix my problems, then i'll have to mood to blog. End here, bye..

Monday, August 17, 2009

Woke up 12pm today. Ate lunch and started checking music chords. Then prepare for bball-ing. Went bball-ing at 7pm. Met clive & co. And started playing bball til 9.30pm. Recieved a call from mummy, asking me to fetch her at mrt. Went over mrt, fetched her. Came home and took a bath. Suddendly, mummy took out an iPhone. I went mad totally ! Haha, super high now. Thank you mummy ! <3>Kay, i'm off to bath. And i'll post the picture of my iPhone tommorow (: Byeeeee.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Didn't had a good sleep yesterday. Woke up earlier then expected. My backache and thumb's killing me. Doesn't matter, i still wake up at 10am. Tried editing blogskin, wasn't a sucess anyway. I'm starved and it's 5pm now. I'm gonna go for my dinner :D Byeee !

Friday, August 7, 2009


哈哈,我想 也是时候去壳喉糖了。希望明天 我的喉咙会好起来,我就能练歌哦!

今天又生病了,好辛苦哟。 喉咙超不舒服的,我想 也是该放自己一天假了。每天练歌,练吉他。都快疯掉了!!
几乎每天都在努力把吉他练好,也有在练歌。希望我的努力,不会白费。这就是我对于音乐的 热血,态度。
永不放弃我的梦想,等到老的时候。也可以拿来当作 一件美好的回忆哟!

不管怎样,希望 我们能用热血 来改变全世界吧!Go Go Go!

拜啦 ~

Thursday, August 6, 2009

哈哈,大家好! 好久没 Update 了哦?
实在是太忙了,没时间呀。 其实也是因为我不知道该写什么,所以就想了很久。
还有其他因素,可是不方便透露。 没关系,我还是会尽量Update 一下的。 要记得来看哟!

今天我想谈的是,热血! 有谁知道,这个字 包涵了什么啊?
热血,是我们年轻人 所应该有的。 他其实也是一种, 对待事情的态度。在这方忙的都市里, 有几个人敢去追寻他们的梦呢? 梦想永远都是被埋在他们心里的。 可是,你有没有想过。 如果有一天你老了,回想起来 你年轻时也有个梦。 而还没实现,您会后悔吗? 人生就像一场戏, 如果时间过了 就不能回转了。 别再错过你的美好人生,赶快去实现你们的梦想吧! 别等了,时间不能导流哦! 哈哈!~

以下的片断,是一种 热血的典范! 好好欣赏吧! 拜啦!~

让我们用热血 来感动全世界吧! 加油,CIRCUS ! 你们的热血我看到了...
也要记得支持 CIRCUS ACTION 4 哟 !


Deylan gwc, 27/10.
18 years old.
Fantastic fan of music,
Epiclogy, Random maniac
Clinging on a Guitar always.

Click if there's any ad

Cheryl ` ♥

Janet ♥
Clare ` ♥
Jeeyan ` ♥
Jiaqi ` ♥

September 2008 October 2008 December 2008 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Owl city - Fireflies
Jordin Sparks - No air
Lifehouse - You and me
Boyce Avenue - Breathe
Boyce Avenue - Mr Brightside
Epik high - One
盧廣仲 - 好想要揮霍

Designer : Chili.
x o x o